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Top Online Broker & Stock Forum - Vote Now In The Stockies

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By AAP 26.11.2012

How do you rate your online broker? Are you happy with the service?

TheBull’s Stockies Awards are underway and thousands have cast their vote for the best online broker and stock forum in Australia.

To place your vote, click here, and then choose a category – either CFDs, forex, online broker, options, warrants and margin lender. You can vote across multiple categories, but choose carefully because you can only vote once.

The Stockies is now into its 5th year, and over this period we’ve witnessed impressive advances in the capabilities of trading platforms offered by online brokers. Today, you can trade not just shares, but indices, commodities, foreign exchange including China’s Renminbi – and this can be done on many internet-enabled devices from the iPhone or other internet-enabled phones, iPad, Android and even Kindle Phone.

In fact, some CFD providers note that commodities and indices are becoming more popular to trade than shares.

The Stockies Awards also covers online stock forums – the virtual communities where traders swap stock ideas and know-how. Thousands of members have already cast their vote in support of the longest-running stock forum in Australia, HotCopper. Running up in second place so far is Aussie Stock Forums. With ten forums competing this year, the stakes are high. Click here to support your favourite forum.

One of the most important decisions you make as a trader or investor is choosing your broker. Who you decide to trade with determines not just how effectively you trade, but how much money you make, or lose. That's why TheBull puts the question to you each year, and thousands cast a vote. Who is the best in Australia? We want to know so we can pass the message on.

The Stockies officially closes on 31 December. Tell your friends and work mates to vote now.

Cast your vote now by using the links below:

> Vote for the best CFD broker

> Vote for the best Forex broker

> Vote for the best Online broker (shares)

> Vote for the best Options. broker

> Vote for the best Warrants broker

> Vote for the best Margin Lender

> Vote for the best Stock Forum


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